[all prose © 2005-2006; jay lane]

Sunday 10.16.05

They try to cram enough information into a 30 second slot to make you believe you need some product that people have gotten along without for thousands of years.

Like these minivan commercials where the little girl is gazing at her mom lovingly as she buckles her in, and everyone is smiling while they fold down seats and load stuff.

If I made a minivan commercial, it would be the way it really happens: it would be the minivan sitting in the driveway, while angry screams came from the house for everyone to hurry up. The mom would be dragging the kids out one at a time and forcing them to stay in the car, the dad comes out with a beer and loads all the shit, and starts the car, then starts screaming at the mom to hurry up. Thats what people want to see. THATS reality television.

Nothing beats an infomercial, like for an appliance or some dumb thing. They always picture people doing something that we all do ALL the TIME with no problem. They throw their hands up in frustration while trying to cut something or open something. we dont say to ourselves 'So what, this is a product for retards?' we say 'Yea, i could SEE that happening!'

Im surprised that the Ginsu knife commercials don't show some frustrated guy trying to saw through a hammer with a regular steak knife. If they did, people would be like 'I never want to be caught in that situation without a Ginsu brand knife! Where is my credit card?'

And the chef guy always makes these plates full of absolutely delicious-looking food, and the speaker eats like half a bite, and says how awesome it is. Meanwhile im looking at it hungrily while they leave it somewhere and go talk excitedly about a cookie sheet.

So what have we learned from commercials? 'You are retarded, and can't manage happiness or daily life without cool stuff, and if you can't afford this stuff, then you suck more than society can mend.'


Do banks screw you over? I mean seriously.

Am I the only one that could SWEAR on anything holy that I did NOT spend that money, and it should NOT have been taken out? Yet I call the bank and they say all this confusing stuff, and I'm like "uuuuh" cause I have no idea what they are talking about, then they are like "Well, Mr._______ how good track do you keep of your ledger?"

Of course I dont bother with a stupid ledger! Because the money should just STAYYYYY!!!! Ledgers are for people who aren't cheap bastards like me that actually spend money frequently.

Yet its gone.

And dont look at me like that, cause I guaran-damn-tee MOST people dont bank there shit right, and with a ledger.

Then they print out this thing, written in another language, and all these companies that took your money for whatever the fuck reason they took it have their name written in code or wierd abbreviations or not at all.

Do they just habitually steal money in small increments from people with a lot in their account, and they somehow mistake me for one of those? Or do I have some problem where my alter ego is spending my money?

I am seriously considering not using banks.

(dont get any ideas. I am not an easy person to rob)

And who can read their bank statement? Raise your hand if you can REALLY read what the hell is going on on you bank statement!!! Dare you

Monday 10.10.05
The situation comedy is what America thinks of itself.

Think about it. Prime time, after we get home from our dead end jobs, exhausted, and veg out by watching a show about a group of people whose lives are also going nowhere. Every character remains the same on every show. Nothing is allowed to change. Not the furniture or appliances. They dont ever move, change jobs, or even get married usually. If anything does change, it has to be back the way it was by the end of the show, or at the latest, the end of the season.

They crack jokes constantly, and we very rarely laugh at them. We dont necesarrily want to laugh, we just want to hear someone else make the same observations we make from day to day about lifes oddities and ironies.

We don't want to watch something where people are better off than us. Thats what movies are for. We want to watch people living the same monotonous existence we are forced to live every day.

And somehow we still find something about their lives to envy.

Misery loves company

Monday 10.10.05
According to the forefathers, we have an unalienable right to life, liberty, and...what???

The pursuit of happiness? What an odd thing for them to say.

It seems to me that there are two types of people in this country, those who have spent their entire lives searching for happiness, only to find that they are still lacking the next goal, still unsatisfied, and keep striving for more (or break down);

Then there are the people that have given up any hope of finding happiness. These people have accepted a seeming (or maybe iminent) certainty that they will not find happiness.So who's happy?

Did the forefathers live in a time when American life was not such and endless climb to a mirage of success?

Or were they just as short sighted as the rest of us? Did they believe that the Britains were the final conflict to resolve before the country could just 'pursue happiness'? Did they realize how elusive this 'happiness' was, how subject it was to interpretation and strife?

Or, do we just need to figure out exactly what happiness is before we go trying to pursue it?


well watever

Saturday 10.01.05
I was woken up at 3 am today by a lady who thought she was calling her husband.

So now im up, I might as well veg out on the net early today.

Thanx for the help with the crossword! I am sending it in today and maybe I will get a palm pilot!!

Google makes it SO easy to solve crosswords.

I dont get nearly as money calls from bill collectors now, which rocks. I do get calls from telemarketers a lot though. So far i have gotten three of their phone numbers. That reminds me, I have to give 'Amber' a call....

I'm gonna share with you guys a chat a friend and I had about weed...

(To all you who thrive on drama and conflict, chill out. Its just random talk, so dont attack me like I am the leader of the liberal pro-pot ajenda. In fact, just go...)

?diLeRiouS!!// says:
marijuana is a worthy cause
daytripper7 [link])
Yeah, well... I guess so. I smoked last week so I can't really say it's bad... but not something I want to be doing for the rest of my life.
He was making a deal out of it. He was drunk, so that cancels everything that COULD have been said by it...
?diLeRiouS!!// says:
i dont think its any worse than srinking (which is legal) and the only reason it is such a problem is because its illegal
?diLeRiouS!!// says:
I'd prefer that the world be high, rather than drunk.
?diLeRiouS!!// says:
ya. hig people are a lot lesslikely to fight and be angry
Being drunk... can ruin a lot of things. Being high... eh, I don't see any harm in it. I've never gotten violent while high, but I have when I've been drunk.
I think the government should legalize it, sell it... and tax the shit out of it.
?diLeRiouS!!// says:
its legal in amsterdam, and drug related crime is almost non-existent
?diLeRiouS!!// says:
and one of there arguments is that its a gateway drug, so we cant legalize it or it will cause people to do bigger drugs...but in actuality there are two thing wrong with that
?diLeRiouS!!// says:
Yep. The oldest living woman was from Amsterdam... that says something, right?
Yeah. I'll admit, smoking pot DOES make me want to venture off to other drugs - which is completly normal and typical.. but rather scary at the same time.
?diLeRiouS!!// says:
the percentage of pot users that actually go on to other drugs is very small, and studies have shown that it is not at all related to pot
?diLeRiouS!!// says:
i mean, everyone does something before they do something else... ice cram leads to other frozen treats...
?diLeRiouS!!// says:
cars lead to faster ones...walking leads to running
?diLeRiouS!!// says:
You're right
?diLeRiouS!!// says:
they also claim that ciggarettes are what 'directly leads' to pot use. well....do i have to state the obvioius?
?diLeRiouS!!// says:
maybe people just do this stuff, and you cant assume always that what they did before is what causes it
Cigarettes to pot? No... cigarettes are like coffee to me.
?diLeRiouS!!// says:
yea well, have your coffeee....next thing you know coffee wont do it for you, youll need energy drinks,,,then youve got a problem...
?diLeRiouS!!// says:
also, economists and political experts claim that the most convincing proof of what works in a society is the study of an existing or pre existing society, so basically....what about amsterdam?
?diLeRiouS!!// says:
imean, these are the excuses they give to get something they want

Just some brainstorming...

The joys of saving

Friday 09.30.05
I decided I need to start cutting back on my expenses (even more) so I tried to save a few bucks by having my hair cut somewhere cheaper this month. (My apologies to the girl at my regular place that has a crush on me)

Well I went to this consignment store that this lady also does haircuts. Not a good idea.

I didnt realize how ghetto the place was until I was already in the chair with the thing around me. At that point its not like I can change my mind without hurting her feelings, so I decided to go with it.

It was all cluttered and messy. It was like a mirror and a salon chair and sink just setup haphazardly in someones garage.. she had just changed her kids diaper behind the counter, so it stunk. And she kept asking me all these personal questions I didnt want to answer. And instead of a 7 like I asked for, I got a 3!!

It looks good though, so whatever. Lesson learned.

Note to self: Spend the extra few bucks and have crush girl do it in an actual salon.

Hey, I need your help!!!

I'm trying to win a Dell Axim X51V Handheld, and i need the answers to some crossword questions. if anyone knows the answers to any of these, can you tell me? Thanx!

-Dolby who was blinded by science
-Caribbean canteuse with the 2005 hit "Pon de Replay"
-the only original member left in "guns and roses"
-"I wanna get ____ man, like a sex machine" (James Brown)
-Alison Kraus, musician wise
-____ Overkill
-Scissor Sisters are this.
-"____Ng" (They Might Be Giants song)
-Ronnie James ____
-James hit that goes "This bed is on fire with passionate love"
-"It keeps ___- A-hurtin" (Elvis)
- Fijacion Oral canteuse
-kanye West-produced 'sleeper' hit by the Game
-Feel Good(Inc.) cartoon band
-"___ Off Your Shoulder"
-R.E.M.'s home base (two words)
-she's been left outside alone
-1983 Madonna hit, or 2005 Green Day hit (no relation)
-Atlanta trio with "Something More" to offer
"I'm ___ the man i used to be" (STP lyrics)
-Industrial Rock's Meat beat ____
-Nirvana song that ironically starts off "I'm so happy"
-"Surfin ___" (1962 Beach boys hit) [and its NOT USA!!]
-" ___ You Tonight" (INXS hit)

im so bad at thinking of subjects
Friday 09.23.05

Sorry for my long tBlog slump everybody. Things have been nuts.

I got a job at a car wash. I'm still looking for ways to make money online. I would appreciateany advice as to how, like writing or something. NOT fortune 500 or MLM, or affiliate stuff....so please dont take that as an invitation to try to enroll me in that. Real, work for money. I know its out there, you just need to know people. Do I know any people?? (hint)

I have such crazy dreams that I have decided to start documenting them on a seperate blog, and I will put a link here soon.

Well, just a minimally entertaining update today, so I'll see yas later!!

O, btw.... here is a link to a coupon that pizza hut gives to its share holders, so if anyone has the balls, then go ahead and use it. It DOES work, even though some say it doesn't. Just once in a while the place won't accept it, but they really dont have a reason not too. (a-hem...this is for all you...share holders...)

dont get me wrong...
Sunday 09.11.05

Everyone who knows me knows I am the least dramatic person ever, but it isnt just a dislike for emotion that makes me hate 'christian children's fund' commercials and the 'new orleans speacials' on tv now. Don't get me wrong, I have a heart for those people, believe me. What I can't stand is how all the people spreading the word about how people need us seem to have such a lack of compassion for what they are talking about.

Let me explain:

In my opinion, pictures of freezing children wrapped in wet blankets under a bridge should never happen-- because the last thing on my mind would be my camera if I saw that!! every minute that I spend documenting the suffering person means another minute of suffering.

Like a special I just saw part of about the new orleans thing. They are showing how cops and people are passing out food to 'refugees'-- then I notice that these 'refugees' are all upper middle class people with SUVs and half the people passing out food are recieving money for it.

Thats not to say that people aren't getting it who need it...but why are we seeing this? Passing out M&Ms to fat kids while we take pictures of freezing people? I wonder how long after pictures did they get that kid some dry clothes? Did they take a whole camera full, to make sure there was a good one?

I'm not at all opposed to telling the world who needs help, but why not be real?

I dunno, maybe I'm being rash. You dont need to attack me if you think I'm wrong, cause I didn't even get close to really explaining every part of my opinion, so dont assume im a jerk who doesnt appreciate American Red Cross. i just wanted to get these thoughts off my chest.

Wednesday 09.07.05

Middle of the night, info-mercials playing in the background. I don't understand their reasoning for playing them now...like people WITH the extra cash are up all night watching network TV?

Things have been crazier than ever lately. Having a roommate throws off my whole living system, my whole sense of privacy and relaxation and pasttime are out of whack. Thats why I dont update my blog often anymore...its like being around all her drama and having to deal with all the problems that her presence is causing takes all my energy, and I have no motivation to do my own thing. grrr.....

Very big story... a LOT involved.

Any way... I got another job...I am a car wash dude. It's a cool job. I like the people I work with. We pretty much just chill there and rinse the cars when they show up, then put them through the machine. And tips rock.

The back tire of my bike is totally messed up cause of some convalescent in a towncar.

I leaned my bike against the trash can at Taco Bell so I could go in and get a steak quesadilla. I get my food and am proceeding to the parking lot just in time to see Old Man McStupid hop the curb and sandwich my back end against the can in his feeble attempt to park.

I was pissed.

I very efficiently conveyed my anger (and quite diplomatically I might add):

"Dickhead, that was my bike'
-O, sorry
"'O, sorry'? That is how I get to work.
-well, it was an accident
"yea, we all have accidents. give me money."
-give you money?!
"yea! i cant afford to fix this."
-well, you could afford fast food
"yea, i could afford fast food 5 minutes ago before fixing my bike was added to the budget!"
-well i dont know what to tell you
"tell me how your going to pay me, dumbass"
-who do you think you are to talk to me that way?
"the one whos not paying for your windshield"
-hey! you little f**er, put that bike down! get away from my car!

At this point there was a crowd, so I just took his lisence plate number and left, opting to not have bits and pieces of his vehicle on my conscience. There ARE laws against him, I'm sure.

Well, that made a day interesting. And my life suck more. But o well.

Besides idiots, things are going ok.


Monday 07.04.05
This morning I had one of those moments- you might know the type- like you have been trudging on through the waist deep mud in your life, your head down to absorb the harsh wind, wondering if it will ever end, ever be easier...only to stop, and look up for the first time in a long while, and see that there is no visible end to this valley of quagmire. To feel like maybe it might be worth giving in to the deep muck, just to feel the momentary rest before letting everything overwhelm you.

it all comes down to nothing...
Saturday 07.09.05
Well, I am right now drunk, and have just come to the conclusion thjat my new job, like my life, sux.

i have just landed a position as a janitor in the local community college.

good news: i finally can finish college, since i can take classes for free as a benefit of my current job.

bad news: it sucks

the first day was a total endurance test of the guy i work for trainuing me in every task with breath btjhat literally made me dizzy. this creepy little wierd smelly man.

also, thefact that im 21, and a janitor, is just wierd. everyone i work foir or with is 60. no sense.

but im doing it for the sake of education!! which in case no one saw the addition on the side her...

i dont know whats worth fighting for...or why i have to scream... Saturday 07.09.05 Yo I wrote yesterdays blog while I was a little drunk, and people actually commented! Now I know what works...

The job is turning out to not suck nearly as bad as I thought it would. I'm the weekend guy that just does his work when no one's around, which is real relaxed and laid back. Once i get my music down there and stuff, it'll be a good deal.

Im still back and forth, struggling with what exactly I want to invest my time in college for. I know what directions I could go in, and be successful, but I can't think of anything I really have a passion for, a burning desire.

Not to complain (haha yea I never do that) but life is really thrown me around hard. I can remember when it was a hell of a lot easier to imagine me being anything. Now i almost don't want to bother going through all the trouble to trap myself in a three piece cage and a dead end job for the rest of my life and label it 'success.'

I'm determined...I know that exactly what I'm looking for is out there somewhere.

So hopefully after a month or two, I can start actually saving some money... slowly but surely... humble beginnings... heres the rest of my awesome fun week...

sunday= being a custodian, cleaning out a garage;

monday=painting, sanding, landscaping;

tuesday+wednesday+thursday= pouring concrete;

friday+saturday+sunday custodian-ing.

pointless fact: leeches have 32 brains

wat is my fukin problem... Monday 07.18.05 I will never drink again.

I went out to unwind wednesday, cause everything sux.

Was planning on stopping by Krystel's place after (u know...that girl...)

Well I had too many... blacked out at the bar

then there is this long empty space and the next thing I know out of the darkness Krystel is calling my name...

I wake up and I'm laying in blood and vomit...(mine) in excruciating pain..

and I try to talk to her, tell her I'm all right...

but I can't talk, even though I'm not really too drunk anymore...

I realize my jaw is dislocated... ribs bruised, head bleeding

I feel pretty awkward, since I am in this state right in front of her apartment..

so I leave and walk home... and I am in my bathroom trying to figure out how to fix my jaw..since i cant afford medical bills

and there's a knock on the door.

I ignore it,figuring it's probably her

it turns out its police and medics( way too many of them, since everyone around is so bored, that they have nothing else to do)..

all this is made worse by the fact that I was only slightly drunk, just trying to talk with a dislocated jaw made me seem like i didnt have control...

so they made me go to the hospital where I was all night and morning....

so after all this I leave the hospital and I decide to stop by her place, to apologize and, quite honestly, I could have used a hug and someone to ask if I'm ok...

I go over she says she is scared of me now she's acting all jumpy

basically, that's over and here is where I feel a little pissed.

I feel like shit and am sorry that I put her throught that but... she knows me well enough to know I wouldnt hurt her... and to me 'I'm kind of scared of you now' is secret code for 'I don't want the responsibility of being your friend right now'

So I kind of feel like it's a cheap cop out from the chick that a week ago said I 'touched her heart' and 'someone finally understands ' her .

I didnt say all that, cause the fact remains that i caused a bit of a disturbance so, needless to say, that is a done relationship. I told her to drop off my vacuum, which gives her an excuse to come when I'm around if she is interested in saying anything to try to make things up.

haha! Heres the punchline... the thing they gave me on the way out of the hospital says... 'Drinking ruins your life and the lives of those you care about!'

I think the reason I went to her place must be that I didnt realize I was in such bad shape. I mean, despite I felt almost no pain... and sometime after realizing shew wasnt home was when I passed out... right in front of her apartment.

Mr. Smoothe guy, thats me.

god, i want some pie... Tuesday 07.19.05 Not much interesting going on. I am trying to be consistent in my writing, cause I actually started this blog in December, and wrote in it like twice by April... so I dont want that to happen again!

I hope a lot of you do not think I am a drunk lush because of my last post...it's just one of those bad things that happen, and I am not usually so dumb.

Work, work, work... I am trying to make enough money to leave this soul sucking, unbelievably dead town, so I can actually make something of myself. I finally got a good paying job, and I actually have a chance (cause of the job) to finish up my college for free.

Problem with that is...do I start a semester, maybe two, and remain stuck here till I finish? It seems like an obvious decision, but there is a lot involved besides the obvious. A LOT. Maybe i'll go into it sometime.

well I cant think of much else to write.

I'm planning on moving somewhere in Florida. If anyone has any tips where I can find a place, that would be awesome. I need something centrally located, preferably city, cheap apartment, and close to a lot of jobs.

...wake me up when september's over...
Wednesday 07.20.05
I don't think anyone read yesterday's blog, so read it after. (please)

Today was a good day.

Got an early start, and I was hauling rocks all day. Lemme tell ya, if you havent tried it...wee-hoo. But it was ok. I had the radio on, and the talk shows on our local station are hilarious, and the music was good. It's the only station around here I can stand. Someday, an IPOD shall be mine...

This is where it gets funny.

I came home and needed to do my laundry really bad. So I called a friend and asked her to give me a ride. She said she'd be there in 5 minutes, and she was in a rush.

I hung up and realized I hadnt gathered it, and I was hungry.

So I put some hot dog buns in the toaster oven, poked straw holes in a couple of hot dogs, sprayed some cheez wiz in there (I will forever sing the praises of cheese wiz), threw them in boiling water.

Ran around grabbing clothes from various places in the room (how did that shirt get on the fridge?), and was lost in my prioratizing of what really needed to be washed, when I realized my hot dogs had been in too long.

I ran to the stove, grabbed a fork, and was about to pull them to safety, when I realized the danger to the buns was even more iminent...I turned off the stove..ran to the toaster oven...and proceeded to try to detatch the buns from the bottom of the oven, where they had decided to become one with the heat coils, when a horn went off in the parking lot...

I quickly finished what I was doing, put the buns on the counter, squirted some mustard in them, and ran out to the car with my laundry. Ran back in to throw the dogs on the buns, and shew anthrax (my lizard) away from my meal, grabbed some dish soap (cause I'm out of laundry detergent)and ran out to the car. we were off.

Well it was 8 30 when I was dropped off at the laundromat, and Cheryl said she would be back at 9 30. I put my laundry in, went down the street to get a beverage (lamenting the absence of Pepsi Blue from the shelf), and I came back....my clothes still had 15 minutes, and the guy was closing down the place!!

I begged him to let me wait till they got in the spin cycle at least, which he was very accomodating (what a nice guy), at which point I removed my sopping wet clothes, and took my garbage bag of clothes, my beverage, and my dish soap, and sat out side like a wierdo.

My ride came 20 minutes later, and I came home, hung my clothes on the line, took a shower (finally)! and that is a tiny portion of my daily craziness, for your pleasure.

By the way, friends nation wide---- isn't it NOT normal for a laundromat to close at 9 ?!

same bat time...
Thursday 07.21.05
Nothing interesting to report in my world. Shoveled more rocks today. Tomorrow should be the last day I have to do that soooo...whew.

I am still waiting on my transcriptsd so I can figure out what courses I need. They are really draggin their asses with this.

Question: How come when I buy something and get change, they always put the coins on top of the bills, invariably while you have something in your other hand, like a full grocery bag?

Then you have to try to fold it all up without dropping all the change... another way they just try to make our lives harder. Same reason a plastic bag never opens unless you've tried both ends, or trash cans at fast food joints alway knock your half full cup over...

I also want to know: WHAT DOES THE "T" MEAN IN T BLOG?


I have fallen in love with Raspberry Nestea!

I opened a page on live journal -dont worry, I'm not leaving! I just think the format of it is a little easier for me to put random thoughts in when I feel like it. So make sure you check it out when you stop in here.

I also have a guestbook, which it would be cool if you signed.

I also put my blog to be on featured blogs, so it would be cool if you voted for me.

Pointless fact: the average mud puppy is clinically dead 14 times in its life- they have a life span of 15 years

yi-ee-yi-ee-yi-eee, yeeea, superman's dead...
Friday 07.22.05
Went to bed at like 5 30...alarm went off at 7...I slept till 8, looked at the clock...figured I had to be to work at 8 30, its a 15 minute ride on a bad day, its a good day,I'll get up at 8 15, I get up at 8 26, rush to work...12 1/2 hours hauling dirt and rocks today (evil, you should have stolen more..)

Here's something to ponder: I dont know about you, but insects fly into my ear pretty often. It happened twice today- right in my ear. Now, the ratio of the space inside my ear to the entire space of everywhere else is pretty high, and two bugs flew into my ear today, AND it happens pretty frequently... I am now convinced that they indeed do have a sole purpose of annoying us.

Well I am burnt (literally) and tired , but I am going to have a happy check tomorrow... two of them...

You know I finally feel like a lot of stuff is finally working out. After this month I should be debt free, hopefully; FINALLY have my license, start saving some money...o ya.

Ok, whats the catch? I'll keep you posted. (no pun intended)

Hey, some of you wanted to know what a mudpuppy was. I found a picture

And the kool thing is every winter, they bury themselves in mud, deep, and their entire bodies and organs totally and completely shut down. they are technically dead. They stay under the mud all winter as dried up shells, then wake up in the summer. Its like hibernation to the extreme. heres a pic of one in hibernation...

Well thats your science lesson for...ever.

I put myself on featured blogs. Also MandyNJess4Ever is awesome too, so vote for her.

Sign my guest book, thanx

Saturday 07.23.05
I just watched 'Cellular.' It was really good! I enjoyed it a lot...yea, nothin' like sitting down with Doritos and orange juice, watchin a movie after a hard day.

So anyway, that's a really good movie. They did an awesome job of keeping it simple, and suspenseful, with just enough drama and action to keep you interested. There was one part in the beginning when I thought the acting was going to be bad (like in 2 Fast 2 Furious) but it was just one of those parts where the script sucked, so you can't blame the actors for that. Good soundtrack too. Also, it had a great plot, that they didn't let get overly huge. It was ....just intense enough. Very good, balanced, and enjoyable movie.

Anyway, run of-the-mill day that you dont want to hear about. I have made some adjustments on the site, cause some of the html was causing conflicts.

Paid my phone bill!!

I'm hopefully going to be getting a NICE apartment uptown...damn... I hope so... I was real fortunate to get on the good side of one of the richest guys in the city, and he really likes me. He owns a trucking company and a realty company, so I think he wants to hook me up. He keeps offering me a job (and people that work for him are HAPPY) but I just cant manage it right now, not if im gonna get my degree. grrr...

listen to me...where you gon run to...
Saturday 07.23.05


I'm getting to like my job more and more. Being alone over the weekend, Doing my thing, listening to the radio,... and now that it's been a few weeks, I got a system down.

I think its a good thing I work alone, cause I pull some pretty gutsy moves on the riding lawn mower that my boss might flip out (well, at least that tree stump wont be too tall NEXT time I mow..)...haha...why can't they go faster? Man, put some lawn mower blades on a four wheeler man, get rugged...

I'm tired of things so expensive that you have to be more careful...tools are meant to be used!!

I think more men would buy vacuum cleaners if they said on the package "Go ahead and yank the cord out of the wall! Vacuum up nails and small rocks! Drop it!" I mean, why should I have to buy a shop vac if I want a regular vacuum? Those are getting pretty flimsy too.

I wanna buy a lawn mower that says on the commercial "Mow over what ever you want!"

Furniture that says "Go ahead and sit on the arms!"

In other news..

I saw a few younguns at the park that I used to volunteer with. They were like "You never come! Don't you love us?" grrrr so I'm going there later for a while, hang out with my kids.

I really don't know what to do with kids, but what I hate the most is that they grow on me, then I start caring about them...mentoring...mushy stuff.

Gremlins!! They're cute when they are little, but at some point they get wet or someone feeds them after midnight...gremlins.

I'm out

  • » dilerious!